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We employ an Integrative Theoretical Model that brings together several different theories, therapeutic techniques and tools.


This approach is tailored to each individual and family, allowing us to provide a level support that is exceptional in every way.

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As a rule we do not use a one size fits all approach. Therefore we do not adopt a standardised approach or prescribed structure in our therapy, as this will eliminate the flexibility of tailoring the counselling or therapy to suit the child best. However, we initially endeavour to build a relationship with the child / adolescent as quickly as possible, and in the majority of cases the child /adolescent starts to use the therapy like a process, which might be best explained by thinking of it like a television series where each "episode" (therapy session) builds on the previous one.


​The therapy process of each child is monitored on a monthly basis during supervision with the clinical lead. A review of the progress of the therapy will initially be done after 3 months and thereafter every 6 months. As soon as the child / adolescent's problematic behaviour has subsided, there will be a discussion with the child and parents on how the therapy will end.

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Based on your child's or adolescent's needs, we may use several different counselling techniques, creative therapies, EMDR, body-oriented therapies and Psychotherapy. 


For example one child might benefit most from using a sand tray, drawings, and art while another may benefit more from using toys, play therapy and / or body orientated therapies such as dance, movement, drama or using big objects in the room.

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Some children, can benefit hugely from only a couple of counselling / therapy sessions, where other children with more severe underlying problems will require a longer course of treatment. In all cases this will be discussed with the child / adolescent and the parents, so they can have an indication of how long the therapy process might be.


Children who have experienced early trauma, specifically complex trauma where they were repeatedly traumatised, will generally require more extensive therapeutic intervention. In these cases the parents and possibly other members of the family might also be involved in the therapy process. More information about the therapy process of children with complex trauma, can be accessed via this link.

"relationships matter: the currency for systemic change was trust, and trust comes through forming healthy working relationships. People, not programs, change people."


Dr Bruce Perry


Below is a non-exhaustive list of symptoms

that we deal with:


  • Eating problems / eating disorders;

  • Sleeping problems / sleeping disorders /nightmares;

  • Bullying;

  • Depression;

  • Aggression;

  • Violence; 

  • Attachment problems; 

  • Fears;

  • Anxiety;

  • Phobias;

  • Sibling relationships; 

  • Parent child relationships; 

  • Rebeliousness;

  • Control;

  • Withdrawal;

  • Rejection; 

  • Peer problems;

  • Socialisation; 

  • School problems;

  • Screens;

  • Abuse / sexual abuse,;

  • Neglect;

  • Family separation; 

  • Reconstituted family system;

  • Custody disputes; 

  • Birth problems;

  • Loss / bereavement;

  • Chronic illness;

  • etc.


Integrate's main goal is to enable children and adolescents to reach their optimal functioning in all relationships and in life.


Another important goal is to enable the family system to function optimally in terms of relationships, enjoying the company of each other.


In all cases where children and adolescents are seen, parents might also be invited to attend sessions, that will provide parents with specific guidelines and help on how to mange and support their child to move towards optimal and functional behaviour, fitting for the family system.


Depending on the outcome of the assessment, systemic family therapy might also be recommended.

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